Source code for evalne.tests.test_visualize

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Mara Alexandru Cristian
# Contact:
# Date: 18/12/2018

import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from evalne.utils.viz_utils import *

[docs]def test(): # Generate set of nodes ids = range(10) # Set some random node embeddings emb = np.array([[0.82420207, 0.93905952, 0.0443836, 0.54250611, 0.30456824], [0.16079168, 0.15119187, 0.40094691, 0.79790962, 0.84341248], [0.57813155, 0.97857005, 0.65691974, 0.32131624, 0.22398546], [0.12097439, 0.91100631, 0.13567747, 0.55608758, 0.46882953], [0.81526756, 0.39482937, 0.57112954, 0.73773972, 0.93670739], [0.59268631, 0.87080881, 0.73983155, 0.31100985, 0.77501675], [0.53125864, 0.60695178, 0.91817668, 0.2321715, 0.19028287], [0.13669606, 0.69945586, 0.59937428, 0.08156526, 0.21188543], [0.64635913, 0.01367627, 0.90677346, 0.28922694, 0.59633913], [0.06707187, 0.33893169, 0.36597878, 0.0011946, 0.07324235]]) # Create a graph g = nx.Graph() # Add some nodes and random edges g.add_nodes_from(ids) aux1 = np.random.choice(ids, 10) aux2 = np.random.choice(ids, 10) g.add_edges_from(zip(aux1, aux2)) # Create a set of labels labels = dict(zip(ids, ids)) # Test embedding plotting plot_emb2d(emb) # Test graph plotting with spring layout plot_graph2d(g) plot_graph2d(g, labels=labels, colors=ids) # Test graph plotting with given positions plot_graph2d(g, emb, labels=labels, colors=ids) plot_graph2d(g, emb=emb[:, 0:2])
[docs]def test_parallel_coord(): features = ['eval_time', 'auroc'] scoresheet = pickle.load(open('data/test.pkl', 'rb')) parallel_coord(scoresheet, features, class_col='methods')
if __name__ == "__main__": test() #test_parallel_coord()